Φρίκη: Το τατουάζ ξεκόλλησε…μαζί με το δέρμα [Σκληρές εικόνες]

NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES ¿Horrific pictures show how a student’s tattoo removal went horribly wrong - leaving her with agonising SCARS. Pasuda Reaw, 21, had the large red rose tattooed across the chest last year but later wanted it removed to look more professional at work. She tried Rejuvi - a chemical method applied to the skin - in Feburary but within days the area had become itchy and painful. The laser-free alternative applied with a small tattoo gun claims to raise ink pigments to the surface of the skin and create a scab that can be peeled off. But two months later, Pasuda said she has suffered ‘’torturous pain’’ and been left with an unsightly scar across her chest. The art student from Udon Thani, northern Thailand, said she did not like the tattoo anymore and wanted it removed for when she was working. She said: ‘’At first Rejuvi seemed like a good way to remove the tattoo. I did not want to use lasers. ‘’I began the treatment and immediately it was itchy and hurting a lot. The skin has taken a long time to come off. It was like torture and I could not sleep. ‘’What is left if worse than before. I do not recommend this treatment because it hurts so bad and takes a long time. ‘’Laser is a lot of money but I wish I had done that. At times the pain of the itching and the scar were unbearable. ‘’I shared pictures as a warning to others to be so careful about what they do.’’ Pasuda said that after returning home from the clinic on February 4 she ‘’could not sleep’’ because of a stinging sensation. She cried all night and ten days later the area had started to fill with puss and the skin was peeling. On March 2 she pulled off the tattoo, leaving wounds on the skin. By May 7, there was still a large pink raised scar. Pasuda’s tattoo has now been removed but she has a large mass of pink scar tissue on her chest. Rejuvi Labs was founded in 1988 by Dr. Wade Cheng, a biochemist in the San Francisco Bay area. They state that a tattoo may be completely removed in just three or four sessions ''using a high specification digital permanent make-up machine''. MFL COMMENT FROM REJUVI LABS

Μια απίστευτη και εξαιρετικά οδυνηρή για τη ζωή και την εμφάνισή της περιπέτεια ζει μια γυναίκα, η οποία αποφάσισε να κάνει ένα μεγάλο και εντυπωσιακό τατουάζ στο στέρνο της.

Αρχικά, όλα έμοιαζαν μια χαρά, ωστόσο, σε κάποια στιγμή βαρέθηκε το τατουάζ και αποφάσισε να το αφαιρέσει. Μάλιστα, αντί για τη γνωστή μέθοδο με το λέιζερ, η γυναίκα από την Ταϊλάνδη επέλεξε μια νέα τεχνική «σβησίματος» του τατουάζ.

Η τεχνική αυτή αφαιρεί το μελάνι του τατουάζ με χημικό τρόπο, ωστόσο, στην περίπτωση της άτυχης γυναίκας φαίνεται ότι κάτι δεν πήγε καθόλου καλά: το δέρμα άρχισε να αιμορραγεί και να βγάζει πύον και σε κάποια φάση το τατουάζ ξεκόλλησε αφήνοντας πίσω μια τεράστια πληγή.

Τελικά, τρεις μήνες μετά το βασανιστήριο, η νεαρή γυναίκα έχει μείνει χωρίς τατουάζ, αλλά με μια τεράστια ουλή στο στήθος.

Μάλιστα, η κοπέλα κατέγραψε στο Instagram την περιπέτειά της, ως προειδοποίηση για άλλους ανθρώπους που ίσως θελήσουν να αφαιρέσουν το τατουάζ τους.

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