Συγκινητική πρωτοβουλία των φίλων μας Ιταλών που δραστηριοποιούνται στην ομάδα του FB Kefalonia-Cefalonia forever

Ανέλαβαν να συγκεντρώσουν χρήματα για να δωρήσουν στην Κεφαλονιά δυο καροτσάκια για ΑμεΑ. Δεν πρόκειται όμως για τα κλασσικά καροτσάκια, αλλά για ειδικά οχήματα τα οποία μπορούν να κινούνται στην άμμο!!

Προώθησαν με μεγάλο ενθουσιασμό αυτή την ιδέα όλο το χειμώνα και σε λίγο που θα έρθουν ευχόμαστε να έχουν καταφέρει να φέρουν έστω το ένα καροτσάκι. Στο κείμενο θα δείτε τον αριθμό λογαριασμού της δωρεάς στον οποίο μπορεί να συμβάλει ο καθένας.

Τους ευχαριστούμε από τη καρδιά μας…

Carrozzina d’amare” è un iniziativa sociale del gruppo Cefalonia forever a favore di chi ha difficoltà a raggiungere l’arenile. Dopo aver sentito le autorità dell’isola ed alcune associazioni che si occupano di disabilità motorie a Cefalonia ,di comune accordo ci rivolgiamo ad amici italiani e greci che beneficiano di questa pagina su Cefalonia ed amano l’isola, di sostenerci ad acquistare delle carrozzelle da mare per i nostri amici meno fortunati tramite un versamento su carta poste pay Poste Italiane S.p.A. bank n.5333 1710 4399 0098 IBAN IT28J0760105138251069051074 – Codice BIC/SWIFT BPPIITRRXXX. Il progetto è sostenuto dai 20 amministratori del gruppo.

Dear Greek friends & Italian investors in Cefalonia.
This initiative undertaken by the President Mario Pericolini Ita is advertised and promoted for all Cefalonia Forever’s members. We expect in a particular manner contributions of those who are largely benefitting from the hidden publicity our page allows free from any charge, to their individual business.
The initiative was born to facilitates handycapped who do not have easy access to the shore as widenly explained in Italian in the above mentionned Mario’s Post.
We hereby request you to cooperate in fundrising & to be prodigal and munificent to sustain Cefalonia Forever, your contribution will allow the Group to achieve this magnificent goal before the upcoming summer season. The weelchair we intend to buy (probably 2 if we succeed) will be given as a gift to the Sami’s Municipality as they already have a sliding path to the seashore, and a second one to a beach yet to be defined (your proposals are welcomed).
Please see the above mentionned IBAN code where to convey donations : IT28J0760105138251069051074 the bank account hold by our President Mario Pericolini was purposely created to help collecting funds for the whole benefit of the projected charity initiative.
Any amount you intend to donate is more than welcomed.
The ongoing project is sponsored by Mario & all the Administrator of our FBK page.
Please accept our kindest regards.

Kefalonia-Cefalonia forever
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