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** Εγγραφείτε στον ιστότοπό μας και επιλέξτε ένα πακέτο. Το κάθε πακέτο παρέχει έναν αριθμό μονάδων (credits) που μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε για να ξεκλειδώσετε την πρόσβαση στις αποκλειστικές ιστορίες μας χωρίς ημερομηνία λήξεως.
Activists of the “Declic” movement for women's rights hold printed half face pictures showing victims of domestic violence during a protest in Bucharest on March 4, 2020, to draw attention to the lack of monitoring bracelets on the aggressors once a restraining order was issued. On Thursday, March 5, the draft law on electronic monitoring of the offenders should receive the advice of the Legislative Council of Parliament. Over 14,000 members of the “Declic” community, a civil society NGO, call on parliamentarians to speed up the adoption of the draft law for electronic monitoring of the agressors. In Romania, 30% of women say they have been affected by physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives. In 2018, nearly 18,000 women were hit by family members. The rate of women killed in Romania is above the average registered in the EU member states. (Photo by Daniel Mihailescu/AFP Photo)